Search Results for: s2bc

From Chains to Finished Necklaces: Explore the Options!

Jewelry Chain Nunn Design

With 13 different styles in our Chain Collection, each chain offers its own unique character, making it possible to craft everything from bold statement pieces to delicate layered looks! We source the highest quality brass chain (ball chain is steel) and plate it in the USA with imported precious metals; copper, 24k gold, and .999 […]

7 Art Day Jewelry Projects from Team Nunn Designer Melissa

The Team at Nunn Design had a very successful art day this past month! There are so many great pieces of finished jewelry to inspire you with –  we are breaking the art day highlights into several blog posts! For this blog post we are featuring the creations of Melissa, Team Nunn’s Graphic Designer. Melissa […]

Which Nunn Design Jump Rings Fit Nunn Design Chain!

We are always looking to find ways to make designing with Nunn Design product easier. This Nunn Design Downloadable Cheat Sheet covers all of the various jump rings that Nunn Design offers wholesale and a chart showing what the jump rings look like when they are attached to the Nunn Design Chain. This has been […]

Deerskin Lace & Chain! – 2018 Winter Collection Sneak Peek!

The 2018 Winter Collection was released last week reveling a full collection of new findings added to the Nunn Design product mix. Over the past few weeks we have provided inspiration and product information on these newest additions in our blog. Read more about our new release of Drops, Hammered Moon & Cross Charms, our […]

2018 Winter Collection is now Live on our Website!

As technology becomes more incorporated in all that we do, the trends of our day-to-day life are reflected in the trends of fashion and accessories. There is some push back to this fast paced technology driven world with consumers desiring artisan goods that reflect the “handmade” movement of small batch production and unique offerings. The […]

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